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Le Creuset Tea Kettle Review
Le Creuset Tea Kettle is great for boiling water and adding a bit of flair to your home. They come in a wide range of classic le creuset colors like Cerise to Marseille. It has a traditional kettle spot and handle. When it gets hot enough, it whistle to let you know. It is a great kettle if you want a traditional kettle in Le Creuset design. However, this kettle is not perfect, there are issue like rust or general quality issue. This review will take a closer look at the design and feature of Le Creuset Tea Kettle.
Le Creuset Tea Kettle Review Quick Summary
Categories | |
Performance | Great |
Colors | Wide Range of Color |
Brand Awareness | World Famous |
Capacity | 1.7 qt |
Country of Manufacturer | Thailand |
Thoughts | A pretty kettle, however the enamel coated one has rusting issue. I recommend the stainless steel model to avoid any of that. |
Reviewed Cookware | Le Creuset SS3102 Whistling Tea Kettle, 1.75 -Quart, Stainless Steel |
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History of Le Creuset
Le Creuset was founded by two Belgian men in 1925. One was a casting specialist and the other a enamel specialist. Together, they formed their iconic dutch oven. There were competitors like Cousances and Descoware. However, those company were soon purchased by Le Creuset themselves. They were not able to compete with the wide range of offerings that Le Creuset had. As time went on, they expanded their selection. You can now get Le Creuset products in the form of flatware, stoneware and even tea kettle. Today, Le Creuset is known as one of the best high end cookware around. If you think of quality cookware, you think of Le Creuset.
Le Creuset Tea Kettle Design
This section will discuss the design and features of Le Creuset Tea Kettle. We will go over handle, shape and general performance.
The handle is made of plastic. It is placed high and far away from the kettle. This keeps it cool to the touch and easy to transport. However, the metal portion on the side will get hot. Be careful when transporting this pot around.
In terms of ergonomic it is large and comfortable. I would be a little careful with the knob though. If you manage to touch the metal portion, it can burn you.
The pouring spot has some issues. Most notably when you boil water. Water will sputter out and drip to the side. Secondly, if you manage to overheat the kettle, it can melt the plastic. Not only that, this type of spout design isnt the best. A gooseneck design will give you more control when pouring.
The shape shares a resemblance to all the other kettle out there. The base is wide so that it can maximize the contact area with the flame. If you have a narrow base, the fire will go up the side and prolong heating time.
Enamel Coating, Rust and lime scale
Ironically, what makes Le Creuset so great is what makes this kettle bad. While the enamel coating is great, it does not seem to hold up. Water seems to penetrate through the enamel coating and cause it to rust. This is a well known issues among user.
Not only that, the enamel is not very durable. If you manage to hit it wrong, it will chip. There is a way to get around this. Just buy the stainless steel version. I personally find it to be very attractive but I can understand how some will prefer the color version. Just be aware that you might experience some rust issue. If that happen, the only way you can get rid of it is with sand paper. That itself is another set of issue.
Limescale is also a prevalent issue in all type of kettle. How it form is usually due to the harsh water in the tap. Those water will typically have mineral that harden inside the pot. You can avoid it by using a more purified water, but that is not really practical. Luckily, you can easily get rid of it using a citric acid cleaner. If you do not have that, white vinegar will work as well. All you need to do is heat it up and let it sit. It should come off.
Le Creuset Tea Kettle Thoughts
Le Creuset Tea Kettle is a attractive kettle. However, the biggest issue is the rust issue. To get around this, I would simply buy the stainless steel version. They should be less susceptible to the issue that the enamel coated one has.
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